How to Choose Direct Vent Oil Boiler in 2023?

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A direct vent oil boiler is a furnace that uses an external flue to vent combustion gases. When you choose a direct vent oil boiler, you need to know: what is it? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What is the lifespan of this product? How much does it cost? Let’s learn together.




What is a direct vent oil boiler?

A direct vent oil boiler is a heating system that uses oil to produce heat and hot water for a building, and it vents exhaust gases directly to the outside through a pipe. Unlike traditional oil boilers, a direct vent oil boiler does not require a chimney or flue, as the exhaust gases are vented directly outside through a sealed pipe. Direct vent oil-fired boilers are known for their efficiency, quiet operation, and ease of installation, and they are commonly used in residential and commercial buildings for heating and hot water.

Pros & Cons


  • High efficiency: Direct vent oil boilers are designed to be highly efficient, which means that they can provide heat to your home while using less fuel than older, less efficient boilers.
  • Space-saving: Since direct vent oil-fired boilers do not require a chimney, they take up less space than traditional boilers and can be installed in more compact spaces.
  • Safe: Direct vent oil boilers are considered to be safer than other types of boilers since they eliminate the risk of carbon monoxide buildup in the home.
  • Energy-saving: Direct vent oil furnaces are known to save energy and cut down on heating bills.


  • Installation costs: The installation of a direct vent oil boiler can be more expensive than other types of boilers since it requires specialized equipment and materials.
  • Maintenance: Direct vent oil-fired boilers require regular maintenance to ensure that they operate efficiently and safely.
  • Fuel costs: The cost of oil can be volatile and subject to fluctuations, which can make it difficult to budget for heating costs.
  • Dependence on oil: Direct vent oil boilers are dependent on oil as a fuel source, which means that homeowners must ensure that they have an adequate supply of oil on hand to maintain the system.



direct vent oil boiler


How does a direct vent oil boiler work?

Working principle

A direct vent oil boiler is a heating system that uses oil as a fuel source to produce hot water or steam for heating. Here’s how it works:

  1. Fuel supply: The system is fueled by heating oil, which is stored in a tank on the property.
  2. Combustion: The oil is burned in a combustion chamber, producing heat and exhaust gases.
  3. Heat transfer: The heat from the combustion process is transferred to water or steam, which is then distributed throughout the building to provide heat.
  4. Exhaust: The exhaust gases produced during combustion are vented outside of the building through a direct vent pipe. The pipe is usually located on the side of the building and is designed to remove exhaust gases and bring in fresh air for combustion.
  5. Control: The system is controlled by a thermostat, which regulates the temperature of the water or steam to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.
  6. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is required to keep the system operating efficiently and safely. This includes cleaning and inspecting the combustion chamber, checking the fuel supply and exhaust system, and ensuring that the thermostat and other controls are functioning properly.

Overall, a direct vent oil boiler is a reliable and efficient heating system that provides warmth and comfort to homes and businesses that use it.


How long does a direct vent oil boiler last?

Life expectancy

The lifespan of a direct vent oil boiler can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the boiler, the frequency of maintenance, and the level of use. In general, a well-maintained direct vent oil fired boiler can last for 15-20 years or more. However, some boilers may fail earlier due to factors such as corrosion or mechanical failure.

Regular maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of a direct vent oil furnace. This includes annual inspections, cleaning of the combustion chamber and heat exchanger, and replacement of any worn or damaged parts. It is also important to have the fuel supply and exhaust system inspected and cleaned regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly.

To maximize the lifespan of a direct vent oil boiler, it is also important to use high-quality fuel and avoid overworking the system. Avoiding frequent on-and-off cycles and ensuring that the system is properly sized for the building’s heating needs can also help to extend the life of the boiler.


direct vent oil fired boiler


Can a direct vent oil boiler be used for both heating and hot water?

Yes, a direct vent oil boiler can be used for both heating and hot water. In fact, most direct vent oil fired boilers are designed to provide both heating and hot water, making them a popular choice for residential and commercial buildings.

To provide hot water, the boiler is equipped with a separate hot water storage tank or an indirect water heater. The hot water storage tank is typically used in systems that require a large volume of hot water, while an indirect water heater is used in systems that require a smaller volume of hot water.

In a direct vent oil boiler system, the boiler heats the water or steam that is used for both heating and hot water. The heated water or steam is then distributed throughout the building to provide heat, while a separate circuit delivers hot water to faucets, showers, and other hot water fixtures.


How do I know what size direct vent oil boiler I need?

The size of a direct vent oil boiler that you need will depend on several factors, including the size of your home, the number of rooms, the climate in your region, and your hot water usage. Here are the steps to determine the appropriate size of a direct vent oil fired boiler:

  1. Determine the heat loss of your home: The first step in sizing a direct vent oil boiler is to calculate the heat loss of your home. This is the amount of heat that is lost through the walls, windows, roof, and other surfaces of your home. A professional heating contractor can perform a heat loss calculation using specialized software.
  2. Determine the required heating capacity: Once you know the heat loss of your home, you can calculate the required heating capacity of the boiler. This is the amount of heat that the boiler must generate to keep your home warm. The required heating capacity is typically measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units) per hour.
  3. Determine the required hot water capacity: If you also need the boiler to provide hot water, you will need to determine the required hot water capacity. This is the amount of hot water that the boiler must be able to produce to meet your needs. The required hot water capacity is typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM).
  4. Select a boiler with the appropriate capacity: Once you know the required heating and hot water capacities, you can select a direct vent oil boiler that has the appropriate capacity. The manufacturer’s specifications for the boiler will provide information on the heating and hot water capacities of the unit.

It is important to properly size a direct vent oil boiler to ensure that it operates efficiently and effectively. An oversized boiler can result in higher energy costs, while an undersized boiler may not be able to provide adequate heating or hot water. It is recommended to consult with a professional heating contractor to determine the appropriate size of a direct vent oil boiler for your specific needs.


direct vent oil furnace price


How much does a direct vent oil boiler cost?

The cost of a direct vent oil boiler can vary widely depending on several factors, including the brand, model, size, and features of the unit, as well as the installation costs. Here are some estimated costs to give you an idea of what to expect:

  1. Unit cost: The cost of a direct vent oil boiler can range from $2,350 to $7,840 or more, depending on the brand, model, and size. Higher-end models may have additional features such as a higher efficiency rating, better controls, or quieter operation.
  2. Installation cost: The cost of installation can also vary depending on the complexity of the installation and the geographic location. In general, installation costs can range from $1,500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the specific requirements of the installation.
  3. Other costs: Other costs to consider may include the cost of a new hot water storage tank or indirect water heater, as well as any additional equipment such as thermostats or controls.

Overall, the total cost of a direct vent oil boiler can range from $4,000 to $12,000 or more, depending on the specific requirements of the installation.



If you are looking for a new direct vent oil fired boiler, here are the things you should know before buying. If you want to learn about the detailed parameters and prices of direct vent oil boilers, please contact us at +0086 186-2391-5479.

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